Gum Games Gay Whats The Game With Bubble Gum And Whipped Cream?

Whats the game with bubble gum and whipped cream? - gum games gay

There's this game you can play at parties and put the gum in the middle of the plate and whipped cream on the rim or something, and then try to eat and then blow a bubble, and the first person to win the bubbles blow or something something. I know the game. The name of the game and how to play and all details about the game! Thank you sooooooooooooooo far the best detailed answer, you get 10 points!


Anonymous said...

I LOVEE this game is ok u get a plate and a double bubble gum [harderr chewing.] &) Yu put cream on your plate, if u can not see), chewing gum, then u want to eat whipped cream [ALL]
then try to) blow a! its sooo fun at the party around 14-15 years AHAH! WELCOMEE Yur so yeah:)

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