Can Skelaxin 800mg Get You High Can A Patient Take Acetaminophen 800mg, Vicodin And Skelaxin 400mg?
Can a patient take Acetaminophen 800mg, Vicodin and Skelaxin 400mg? - can skelaxin 800mg get you high
Why or why not?
6:16 PM Posted by Katherine Vides
Can a patient take Acetaminophen 800mg, Vicodin and Skelaxin 400mg? - can skelaxin 800mg get you high
Why or why not?
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It should not really more than 1 gram (1000 mg) of acetaminophen in a moment, it will be difficult in the liver. Therefore, should not 800 mg paracetamol and Vicodin together, because all the strengths of Norco, Lortab, vicodin, etc. more than 200 mg of acetaminophen per pill have. After twice Thou shalt not kill, but not a great idea. You can use a 325 mg paracetamol force if necessary.
Ive never heard of the interaction b / w and skelaxin Vicodin, and are often prescribed together to car accidents, etc. The two together, it is likely that only a very sleepy.
Skelaxin acetaminophen and are very good together.
You can take paracetamol or paracetamol and skelaxin and Vicodin. You can not Vicodin, and together skelaxin. The cause respiratory depression ... not a moderate drug interactions between the two.
listen for the change that you want to see. skelaxin and vicodin is a muscle relaxant for pain.
they are very good together. Listening to change in paracetamol.
Not if you want to overdose to die. My wife is a nurse and I am a therapist Content
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