Blueprints For A Rabbit Cage Can You Help Me Out With Some Guinea Pig And Rabbit Cage Questions?

Can you help me out with some guinea pig and rabbit cage questions? - blueprints for a rabbit cage

I have a rabbit named "cookie" is my baby and I thought it needed a better / bigger cage. like to go and walk with me on the floor. Then I started to look together a plan for what I wanted the cage is. has a larger cabin, and there is a staircase that goes to the floor, a large enclosure in place on the grass even further * * I was not sure what you Tho ... I also have a guinea pig called gingerbread. She and gingerbread cookies are best friends and needs a larger cage for a smaller share a cage together for a while because baby had a cookie. they never fought or anything and the box is big enough for animals that have more than enough space. Guinea pigs are good out there? or is unhappy and sick easily? please help me out of this before the construction of the cage.

in line when others of their cages, heat or cold to live in Lexington, Kentucky

I build this cage and you know what the rabbit in a cage for every hike, if not well in the honey bun


Anonymous said...

Did I in about one years KY. I miss him. In any case, to your question. Guinea pigs and rabbits should not be together. One kick your rabbit can break a bone in Guinea pigs. You should not live together either. Guinea should not under any conditions. URI can be very easy. If you are in this cage can not do both. Make two C & C cages. A witness and one for Honey Bun. And the cages should be within, not outside. You can of sunstroke or cold.

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